Now, you do not have to wait till next year for the GPS enabled iPhone. Thanks to Navizon as it is bringing GPS service for your iPhone.

Navizon, who is already providing software for emulating GPS on phones which don’t have that functionality built in, has announced that its software can now be used on the iPhone. Based on Navizon’s Wifi and Cellular tower triangulation techniques, this new software will help iPhone users find their way in the world. 21 09 08 011 The system triangulates signals from Wi-Fi access points and cellular towers, based on a database populated with accurate GPS readings for locations, collected by an army of volunteers. It is based on a collaborative database where users can contribute wireless beacons’ locations that will let other members of the community simulate a Virtual GPS on their device.

As you will click on the ‘Locate Me’ button, it immediately gives your accurate current location within a few hundred feet or so. It is only free for two weeks, after which you will have to pay a one time $25 fee. Incidentally, there are also versions for Java, Windows, WM, BlackBerry and S60 and many more.

Image: Mobile Whack