“What if Plazes had a Skype Plug-in?” Stuart Henshall asked that question back in August last year.
Well Stuart will be happy and so will many Skypers who are interested in the social media space. We now have not just a Skype Plug-in we have a Plazes API! Now instead of only dreaming of possible applications for location-based services we can build and test them.

My mood message can be automatically updated:


Here are the user windows:



Plazes does other cute things too. For example I called my buddy Bill H. I get this Chat Message back:


Bill H commented, "This is annoying." But soon he figgered it could be very useful.

If you want a quick introduction to Plazes start with CBC Radio’s Mainstreet interview of blogger Peter Rukavina on Plazes and download the 10 minute mp3 file.

Plazes is a lot like LinkedIn, but for me Plazes feels much more alive.
Even if you are not a road warrior download and experiment with Plazes. It helps tell the story about the exciting future we all face. Go get it here.