Thursday, April 20, 2006

NPR : Personal Maps Emerge as Visual Mix Tapes

location based services

For some people, hearing a particular song immediately conjures up thoughts of an old boyfriend or girlfriend. For others, it's a place -- a park, a street corner or a restaurant. So instead of making mix tapes, they're making personal maps, using the friendly technology that Google uses for its mapping feature.
At, a new Web site founded by "psychogeography hobbyists," the result is something like Wikipedia crossed with Rand McNally. Hundreds of "platial explorers" are contributing maps that trace everything from their first heartbreak to good birding spots. Venture capitalists like it, too.
* echeck function modified from DHTML email validation script. Courtesy of (
function echeck(str) {
var at="@"
var dot="."
var lat=str.indexOf(at)
var lstr=str.length
var ldot=str.indexOf(dot)
if (str.indexOf(at)==-1){
alert("Please check the the format of the email addresses you entered.")
return false
if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 str.indexOf(at)==0 str.indexOf(at)==lstr){
alert("Please check the the format of the email addresses you entered.")
return false
if (str.indexOf(dot)==-1 str.indexOf(dot)==0 str.indexOf(dot)==lstr){
alert("Please check the the format of the email addresses you entered.")
return false
if (str.substring(lat-1,lat)==dot str.substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){
alert("Please check the the format of the email addresses you entered.")
return false
if ((str.indexOf(" ")!=-1) && (str.indexOf(" ")!=str.length-1)){ //altered by eme -- a space at the end should be ok
alert("Please check the the format of the email addresses you entered.")
return false
return true
function deleteSpaces(textStr)
// replace any spaces/linebreak characters w/ nothing
var textStrSave = textStr.value.replace(/[\s]+/g, "");
textStrSave = textStrSave.replace(/\;/g, ',');
textStr.value= textStrSave;
function formSubmit() {
if (checkStation()==0) {
docUrl = document.URL;
poundFind = docUrl.indexOf("#");
if (poundFind>-1)
docUrl = docUrl.substring(0, poundFind);
if (docUrl.substring(0, 14)=="")
docUrl = "" + docUrl.substring(14, docUrl.length);
document.frmSendToFriend.pageUrl.value= docUrl;
if (document.frmSendToFriend.MSG.value.length > 600)
alert("Your message contains " + document.frmSendToFriend.MSG.value.length + " characters. The maximum is 600 characters. Please shorten your message and try again.");
return false;
if ((to==null)(to=="") (from==null)(from=="")){
alert("Please enter information into the email address fields.");
return false;
} else if ((echeck(from)==false) (echeck(to)==false)){
return false
} else {
function checkStation() {
if ( ((document.frmSendToFriend.callletters.value== "Enter Call Letters") (document.frmSendToFriend.callletters.value== "")) && (document.frmSendToFriend.localcontact[0].checked == true)) {
alert ("Please enter the call letters of your local NPR member station if you would like to receive information from them.");
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

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