Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - Annapolis Free WiFi:

location based services

"Annapolis Maryland is getting free WiFi with ad-supported hotspots, reports the Baltimore Sun.
Annapolis Wireless, a local company, is holding an official wire cutting on April 29, 2:30 pm in a public ceremony. Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich, Mayor Ellen Moyer and county officials will be on hand to celebrate.
'Companies like Annapolis Wireless and Nortel are making cutting-edge technology possible through their teamwork and sponsorship,' said Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. 'This private sponsorship creates a community environment for Maryland citizens, tourists, and the technology sector where everyone wins.'
Initially, coverage will be available throughout Annapolis, from the City Dock to West Street and Eastport. Expansion of the signal beyond downtown is planned throughout the summer.

Phil McQuade, president of Annapolis Wireless, said, 'We had advertisers and sponsors before we even launched the WiFi service city-wide, proving that businesses clearly see the value in reaching a targeted audience.
Nortel's mesh technology will supply the infrastructure. Anyone with a wireless network card can access the WiFi service in Annapolis. First time users create a profile, user ID and password. They can then browse the Internet using the WiFi service.

DSL Reports, WiFiNetNews and MuniWireless have additional coverage.
Free WiFi will be available on San Francisco's 54 square mile cloud. Google ads support their free 300Kbps service, while 1Mbps (ad-free) will cost about $20/mo from other providers. Some San Francisans object. Meanwhile, MetroFi is providing free 1 Mbps Wi-Fi throughout Cupertino, Santa Clara and Sunnyvale and Aurora, Illinois, the second-largest city in that state, have chosen MetroFi. The 134 squ"

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