Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"We need to define the real value of what we're offering consumers" - Deep Nishar

location based services

we all explore these possibilities and look to "break the chasm" through cooperation and commitment, we must embrace and extend, expand our vision and discover better value. Deep Nishar from Google clearly deserves much recognition. With value comes a willingness to pay,and that defines the big equation that is foremost in most users minds.
We must subsidize the ecology, notably in the developing world presently, - but ecology is plumbing that has legs only when there is value to be gained by spreading around the nectar.
Google's entry into Mobile is a good step in the search for eyeballs and location based services and search+ advertising relating to it can be Google's "Normandy". However, I do hope that Google also pursues the opportunity to break into "the next billion", and I hope that voice based interactivity is also down the pike. (you can do a lot even without speech recognition and yes HMM is an ever improving technology)
The "Road Ahead" for Mobile looks bright, but I hope that it is a short one and "the chasm" is quickly crossed.
This Christmas also promises much for mobile, with JSR 248. (I will lay off the Javanese Jargon, and keep it all English after this). Google's entry into Mobile, I hope also offers encouragement to Auctioneers, sellers, and others. No longer are we sounding like that Danish Prince facing insurmountable odds to do the right thing and ask, "To be or not to be", - today we must ask "To B2B or not be" - the next set of eyeballs coming to mobile will necessarily need to mean business.
We must move from division to disparity but steps towards greater participation will eventually bring us to a world that is on par.
Posted at 03:44PM Dec 04, 2006 by Srinivas Bharadwaj in General Comments[0]

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