Thursday, February 02, 2006

� Use Wi-Fi Instead of GPS - 802 Networks

802 Networks wrote this in the early morning:

Herecast provides location-based services on a WiFi device. At its simplest level, it can tell you where you are. More advanced services can use your location to enhance information lookups, publish presence information, and create unique games — all while preserving privacy.

The basic idea behind this new venture is that every access point will broadcast a unique ID. This unique ID can be used to distinguish it from all the other access points. Herecast uses this “useless” ID to landmark a particular location. All your computer would need is a virtual address book that ties in access point indentifiers to real world locations. “..because we see access point AB1234, that must mean we are in New York, at the Empire State Building, suite 410!”

Community Build Database

So, who makes this “address book” of access points? Everyone! The Herecast database stores information for every access point anyone has ever discovered. Once one person enters information about an access point, that information becomes available to everyone else.

If you are interested, please visit the home page at

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