Tuesday, August 08, 2006

imov Messenger

What are Location Based Services (LBS)?
The term Location Based Services refers to applications that utilize geographical data. An application would use this geographical data (location) to provide additional value to a user of the service. One example of a Location Based Service application is imov Messenger. imov Messenger uses Geographical Positioning System (GPS) or user entered geographical data to share the location of the end user with other interested users.
How does Location Based Services work?
The application that has Location Based Service support must be able to obtain the location information and distribute that information to provide a value added service. The location information is typically gathered via a GPS receiver, although other methods are available.
How does imov Messenger provide Location Based Services support?
Yes, imov Messenger allows users to share their physical location with other imov Messenger users. With this location information, users can graphically map their current location and the location of other imov Messenger users on their roster, and obtain routing (driving) directions to and from addresses and users. Additional exciting services are planned for upcoming releases of the imov Messenger software. Location Based Services support is available for PocketPC2002/2003 and Smartphone Enterprise users only.
Location Based Services Provided in imov Messenger
Routing directions between addresses, or locations of other imov Messenger users
Street level mapping of the current user and other imov Messenger users

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