Saturday, May 19, 2007

BBC shows off its GPS reporting

location based services

Geo-tagging likely to feature in news stories in the future

Anna Lagerkvist
18 May 2007 16:13

The BBC has been trialling a citizen journalist reporting project where stories have been tagged using GPS technology in mobile phones. Now the first results have been revealed.

The stories play as multimedia slideshows synchronised with Google Maps presentations. The first geo-tagging stories went live this week.

The stories have been produced through a collaboration between the BBC, the University of Brighton , Nokia and mobile marketing firm Ymogen .


The project aimed to explore how text, images and video, combined with location and time, can create 'crowd pulling stories'. The first results can be seen at Geo-Stories .

Those taking part in the project were equipped with a Nokia N-series phone, and a Garmin GPS device. The aim was to explore a kind of storytelling fixed to geographical locations.

The mobile and satnav devices captured geographical data as well as still images, audio and video.

BBC said it was likely that geo-tagging, adding location-based data, was likely to feature in news stories in the future. Mobile phones such as the Nokia N95 has GPS technology built-in enabling reporters to automatically include location details in their stories.

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