Monday, May 14, 2007

concept device: e-paper interactive map with GPS

location based services

Before you get all excited: There’s no such gadget. This is a concept device. The images are artists’ rendering. Now that we’ve convinced you to not email us about where to purchase this, let’s talk about Traveller. Traveller was designed by Nikita Golovlev, an industrial design student in the UK. The idea is a satellite navigation “book” coupled with an e-paper to replace a tourist map. Since concept devices have no limits, Nikita also threw in memory card reader, USB port, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, ability to sync your pics with the location they were taken, and open source platform to allow for other applications to be used.
E-paper makes a flexible display that consumes power only when updated. The design is inspired by a regular tourist map where you get good overview, good level of detail, and quick access combined with the advantages of GPS navigation.
Store your images from your digital camera on the internal drive and sync them to the GPS log. Now you can see exactly where your photos were taken. Share this information directly by using WiFi or piggyback your phone with Bluetooth.
Well, all this technology does exist. If you want to get as close to this as possible we suggest you look into this ASUS UMPC with GPSvia

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